What kind of hardware do you guys like to use for programming purposes?

Sorry, I edited :smile:

nice tower :). I thought you mentioned something about taking out distilled ice cubes and putting them into your tank (as a joke, maybe).

I guess I thought you were joking about your case, but maybe your rez/tank? :stuck_out_tongue:

I could just see you putting your hand up to it, going “hmm too hot” opening a little modded panel on the top, and throwing some ice cubes in :slight_smile:




So the ipod can go into water, but a computer setup wouldn’t work?

This link says air and rust would conduct.

I also find it funny how many people talk about putting their parts inside a fridge/freezer LOL… Apparently it only keeps food cold/frozen, and wouldn’t handle a cpu’s output of heat :open_mouth: