3.1 SDK custom icon for build

I’m trying to add a custom app icon to the build of my game using the 3.1 SDK. Unlike in 3.0, simply replacing the icon file in the resources folder was not enough. In fact, it is my understanding that the stub.exe is merely copied and renamed when a build is made… Yet, it knows the path of the jar to run, so there has to be some part of the build process that actually modifies it.

Could someone help me figure out how to set the icon for the app?
Thanks in advance!

something like this?

try {
            BufferedImage[] icons = new BufferedImage[] {
                    ImageIO.read( Main.class.getResource( "/Interface/icons/animalia-128.png" ) ),
                    ImageIO.read( Main.class.getResource( "/Interface/icons/animalia-64.png" ) ),
                    ImageIO.read( Main.class.getResource( "/Interface/icons/animalia-32.png" ) ),
                    ImageIO.read( Main.class.getResource( "/Interface/icons/animalia-16.png" ) )


        } catch( IOException e ) {
            // log.warn( "Error loading icons", e );


Oh, sorry. I didn’t clarify. I meant the icon of the file, not the window/taskbar.
So like, when you view the .exe in the game folder in a file browser application.

I haven’t tried on the SDK but since I use Netbeans perhaps this would help.

In your app project add the following package: <app name>.package.windows. Put the .ico file in there and see if it works

Seemed like a long shot but I tried it anyway. No success. Problem is I’m not familiar with how the SDK puts together the exe file, the 3.0 SDK used to have a launch4j-impl.xml I could edit to set an icon, but it’s completely different in 3.1 :confused: