3D Motion Head Tracking

I am implementing a 3d Headtracking VR into jmonkey using a wii remote and a problem I have run into is moving the vanishing point. I am almost positive there is a way to shift the vanishing point but I am not quite sure how. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Hm vanishing point is not su much helping me in understanding what you try to archive?

Could you try to explain it a bit more general?

@Empire Phoenix I actually found another algorithm which I do the reverse of moving the vanishing point. So know I need to know how to set a node to the exact position of the near camera frustum. I will have the camera always “look at” this direction but it needs to look at the x,y,z pos of the near frustum so is there a way this can be achieved?

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@Jmonkier said: @Empire Phoenix I actually found another algorithm which I do the reverse of moving the vanishing point. So know I need to know how to set a node to the exact position of the near camera frustum. I will have the camera always "look at" this direction but it needs to look at the x,y,z pos of the near frustum so is there a way this can be achieved?

The near frustum is a quad… what location on the quad do you need?

@pspeed I believe I just need the z position because the x and y positions of everything else is centered at 0,0

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@Jmonkier said: @pspeed I believe I just need the z position because the x and y positions of everything else is centered at 0,0

0,0 is behind the near plane. This is why I’m trying to understand what you mean.

What is the point you want to find, exactly? And to what end?

If I am correct, shouldn’t the x and y position of the near frustum be the same a s the cameras? Essentially, I want to put a node in the very middle of the near frustum. The near frustum is techincally “the screen” so that is the point I want the camera to always point at.

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We finally start to drill in on what you are actually looking for.

Maybe these are helpful:
