A little job

Hello everybody. There is a need to program some pieces of a project based on jME3 from time to time. I am ready to give you UML diagrams for those tasks and money as a fee for your resulting code. For example, here you may see diagram of the current task. Is it interesting for anybody?

What kind of budget do you have in mind for a task like this?
How many hours do you expect a developer to spend on it?

I don’t know. It is a subject for discussion. If a developer could estimate the task in hours then we could discuss a budget.

Sorry for offtopic. @Erlend does this forum work? http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/jobs/

What do you want the code to do that BitmapText doesn’t already do?

Paul, did you see my message in your group on vk.com? It is the same one.

@zarch said: What do you want the code to do that BitmapText doesn't already do?
Thanks for you question.

I need real 3d letter which one could be extruded in the future for example I have plan to add method setDepth(…) Try to scale BitmapText. The result is not appropriate for my purpose.

@soedenitel said: I don't know. It is a subject for discussion. If a developer could estimate the task in hours then we could discuss a budget.

I see.
It would still be interesting to see what hourly rate you’re shooting for.
Just for reference: The billable freelance programming hour around here in Germany costs 75 EUR = ca. 100 USD, on the average, i.e. the good coders demand and get considerably more.
The rates for programmers from elsewhere are probably different, as are the qualifications.

@toolforger said: I see. It would still be interesting to see what hourly rate you're shooting for. Just for reference: The billable freelance programming hour around here in Germany costs 75 EUR = ca. 100 USD, on the average, i.e. the good coders demand and get considerably more. The rates for programmers from elsewhere are probably different, as are the qualifications.
Thanks for your reference :)