A little wish


is it possible that you include a


public InputListener[] getListeners()


method to the InputManager of Application?

That would be great. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot.



Any patch file would be appreciated :wink:

But the inputManager doesn’t have just an array of listener.

It has a map of mappings, each one containing an arrayList of listeners.

You shouldn’t just make a getter on the mapping attribute, because, it would allow users to modify the mapping outside of the inputManager, which is not good.

You would have to create a new arrayList by iterating over the mappings.

Out of curiosity, why do you need those listeners?

Couldn’t you just store them in a structure of your own when adding them to the inputManager?

nehon said:
Out of curiosity, why do you need those listeners?
Couldn't you just store them in a structure of your own when adding them to the inputManager?

+1 to that
Also if ur afraid of version control screwing ur source code try getting the field with reflection, if u need it that bad, tho i cant see why you would :-s

I would appreciate an official solution, on the other hand nehon is right (You shouldn’t just make a getter on the mapping attribute, because, it would allow users to modify the mapping outside of the inputManager, which is not good.)