A question about button mapping

I have a Logitech game pad, a usb device. I’m using a Linux host operating system. The xpad has a number of buttons.

When I use jstest I can get button numbers, but they don’t at all match up with JME’s idea of the button numbers. Furthermore, one of the buttons is completely invisible to JME. Finally, the xpad shows up, as far as JME is concerned, as TWO devices.

Linux (jstest, event test, etc) think the buttons are numbered as:

  • A = 0
  • B = 1
  • X = 2
  • Y = 3
  • LB = 4
  • RB = 5
  • start = 6
  • reset = 10

    In JME land:
  • A = joy 0 button 1 OR joy 1 button 0
  • B = joy 0 button 2 OR joy 1 button 1
  • X = joy 0 button 3 OR joy 1 button 2
  • Y = joy 0 button 4 OR joy 1 button 3
  • LB = joy 0 button 5 OR joy 1 button 4
  • RB = joy 0 button 6 OR joy 1 button 5
  • reset = joy 0 button 0 OR joy 1 button 9
  • start = completely not available in JME!!

    The device is product N82E16826104402 on newegg.

    Bus 006 Device 042: ID 046d:c21d Logitech, Inc.

    It only presents itself to linux as one device (/dev/js0).

    I can work around most of this (could really use the missing start button though) … but mostly I’m just curious why this is.


Can you run this test and see what you get?


For some reason, this setup is not really working with webstart deployJava.js … do you have a jnlp, or a standalone version I can build/try ?