Adding physics BoundingBox to model

Hi, I’m pretty sure I know how it works, but … 8O



You can attach Geometry to the rootNode because the Geometry is a extension of a Spatial. But you can not get the Geometry from a Node back. Arrrgh

And loadmodel gives me the reference to a Node which has got the Geometry (Spatial) information attached.

it shouldn’t be that hard, where am I thinking wrong? I read you link which supports what I’ve written so far…

The Spatial you load with loadModel is of Type Node. It has no geometry as it is simply a holder for the parts that actually make up the model.

The Node spatial has a number of children. These are of type Geometry. So loop over the children of the Node and cast the spatial to a Geometry.

If you put a breakpoint on the Spatial that is returned from the loadModel call you can view its type. It will be node. You can also view its children. They will be geometry.


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thank you very much!

Enjoy yourselves in my thankfullness :slight_smile: