An idea - what about a Scala port?

OT maybe, but if someone is interrested theres a Scala “3d game framework” in development at . Dunno how mature it is though.

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@nehon said:
I think one of @Momoko_Fan friend is leading a Scala 3D engine project (isn't he the one that coded the TangantBinormalGenerator?). Maybe you could have a look at his project simplex3d.

@kwidell said:
OT maybe, but if someone is interrested theres a Scala "3d game framework" in development at . Dunno how mature it is though.

Yeah, probably worth taking a look.
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@kwidell said:
OT maybe, but if someone is interrested theres a Scala "3d game framework" in development at . Dunno how mature it is though.

Here's the other alternative, the one developed by the former jME developer @darkfrog
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Maybe i shouldn’t be resurrecting an old thread, but here goes …

I’ve been using Scala for 2 years, having used a bit of Java before. I think Scala is great, if not perfect. And it will be getting better in Dotty! As someone else mentioned, a Scala wrapper for JME3 is a good idea. Technically you don’t even need a wrapper for JME3, but I’m trying to write one as a challenge to myself while learning JME3, and to make it possible to write JME3 in a slightly more idiomatic way for Scala.

Once it is ready, is there any possibility I could use the JME package naming scheme and host the main repo on the JME organization (@nehon)? I feel that would be both better for awareness, maintainability, and acknowledging that JME is not interested at this time in porting the core code itself to Scala, but welcomes use of the engine from other JVM languages (or at least Scala :smile:). Also, maybe, just maybe, it will help reduce the number of threads asking about Scala support!

By “ready”, I’d like to have all the examples ported over to Scala in an idiomatic way, and maybe one open source (smallish) game - recommendations on good candidates to port would be most welcome!

Also, thanks @erlend_sh, didn’t know about that simplex3d package. Will check it out for ideas if nothing else.

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Well, this could fit in the Jme contribution depot, jMonkeyEngine Contributions · GitHub.

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Looks good to me, thanks!

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