Android skybox bug

skybox can not use on some android9-11 devices
like:google Pixel 3XL
like this:
Spatial sky = SkyFactory.createSky(assetManager, “Textures/Sky/St Peters/StPeters.jpg”, SkyFactory.EnvMapType.SphereMap);
its is nothing to render

version :jMonkeyEngine 3.4.0-stable


This is the entire program? it’s just a test program? if so, please upload it as zip file and i’ll try to debug it for you.

this is my test program,I tried several ways to create jme skybox,But it doesn’t work correctly


thank you very much,
I want to develop a Animation software on android use JME

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Set the material depth enum function to less or equal & it will work eventually, because the default seems to be greaterOrEqual, code example :

For Animation in jme using android, this is a structure you may find it useful :



It is worked use this
thanks for that.


About jme animation,I’ve come across a problem recently
i tryed to save my Model apart(T-pose model and animation)
A lot of ways have been tried. save compose,animclip,skinningcontrol…
I want to reuse animations on different models(same Armature)

Open a new forum thread & specify what you want to do specifically, so others can help.

I think you mean new forum thread.

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Yep, you are right, I have corrected it.