Any german jme useres here? - Deutsche JME's hier im Forum?

Another German here (Darmstadt). So many Germans… now who wants to make the first joke about an invasion??  :slight_smile:

How about a German jME programming jam?  :smiley:

I'll do it!  :smiley:


That wasn't as fun as I had anticipated it would be…

Thats how it is with most things, darkfrog…

So true…

captchas? :expressionless:

wtf?  :x

i suppose a few more board moderators are needed, plus/or adding that mod(modification? module?) to the forum which require anonymous users to introduce a code before posting.


@irrisor: sorry, i've overseen your post. yeah, captchas is what i mean:

mojo, could you please do something about this because i get forum reply notifications for each spam post  :x

forum spammer here…


god i wish i was a genious hacker so i could send those spam bots/persons into oblivion

Did someone say my name? 

sfera said:

mojo, could you please do something about this because i get forum reply notifications for each spam post  :x

hang on, countermeasures are on the way afaik ;)
irrisor said:

hang on, countermeasures are on the way afaik ;)

that's all i wanted to hear  :D

I'm also from Germany.

the countermeasures will be highly appreciated…it's getting worse and worse :slight_smile:

@mr coder: i hope you mean the spammers and not the german users :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless of course there's a "beer mod" for SMF forums…

Ich glaube da hat jemand Bier beatellt wie in der Werbung.

"Ich m

I'm afraid the extent of my german capabilities without going to a translator consists of:

mein Leben

ok. i'll teach you something new:


dsellars said:

"I believe there someone to beer beatellt as in the advertisement.