Any idea to create light wind effect!

Hi guys!

I intend to create light wind effect. Could you give me any idea to implement?

Using physics?

on what?

What is light wind…??

Is that supposed to be some kind of crazy attack move from a japanese fighting game?

@ff topic:

maybe a simulation of sun storms :wink:

no, seriously…

for what effect would u use the wind effect?

if it should take effect on fired arrows, leaves of a tree or something i would suggest to use physics…as darkfrog mentioned.

If you would only to get some special objects affected by the wind, as for example only clouds, u could implement a cloudobject, which has some parameters as windStrength, windDirection and so on…

so u can simple implement this behavior within its update method.

I think it is just like strong wind… only weaker :slight_smile:

Using physics wind seems quite do-able - just apply the same directional force to all objects in the scene… I let irrisor or darkfrog or someone else tell you how exactly to do that :slight_smile:

It would actually be very similar to the rolling friction code I wrote forever ago, but a little bit more simplistic, unless of course you want objects to block wind…which would be very cool, but add a whole new level of complexity.

darkfrog said:

It would actually be very similar to the rolling friction code I wrote forever ago, but a little bit more simplistic, unless of course you want objects to block wind....which would be very cool, but add a whole new level of complexity.

Sounds like a ShadowPass for Physics :)

Actually quite a bit more complicated if you wanted to do it realistically…for example, creating a wind tunnel effect wouldn't work with the concepts used in shadows.

the first image that popped up in my mind when i read the original post was this:

i think the original poster should explain a bit more what he means with light wind :slight_smile:

Light wind, hahahaha. I think he means subtle wind (as in not a tornado).  This might help you get started: