Anyone wanna take a crack at nginx & redis for WordPress/bbPress?

Are you planning on having the server ONLY run discourse through a Docker image? Are you wanting to run something else off of the web host too? so far it looks like due to being a Docker image, the Discourse install is all containerized, what that means is by default it assumes it’s going to be the only website on port 80. So if you’re going to try hosting multiple nginx server processes on the same box (for instance because you want another website, or don’t intend on having everything run through discourse) it’s going to change the setup a lot. Right now I’m playing around with this type of a setup as I already have nginx forwarding requests on my webserver to Jenkins, and a javadoc page.

iirc dokuwiki is a PHP setup, which would need to be on it’s own host (I’m not sure if it’s on the same box right now). Unlike something like jamwiki which is a java war based wiki you could easily drop in and just redirect the port.

Anyhow, let me know what the full setup is going to be :smiley:

Good questions. There were recently some concerns raised about this on the Discourse Meta forum:

And yeh, we want to be running some PHP apps (WordPress & DokuWiki) alongside Discourse on the same server. In an ideal world we’ll have migrated away from those (starting with the wiki) in not too long though.

@erland_sh - the issue is Discourse no longer supports non-docker installs. The ONLY way to install and staying up-to-date is going to be by deploying Discourse via Docker, and if needed modifying some of the setups to work with whatever other web-server is already installed.

EDIT: okay I got it worked out, part of the issue was my initial launch of the docker didn’t have ports properly, and when I tried to remove via docker commands it wouldn’t take the yml configuration changes. Simply renaming the container and redoing the config worked to bring it up on alternate ports. So everything is working.

@sleaker said: So everything is working.

So next up will be to test the bbPress migration. I can’t get you a db dump to test with just yet though. If you have time you can make one yourself by setting up WordPress + bbPress, make some dummy posts and then try migrate that over.

@erlend_sh said: Awesome!

So next up will be to test the bbPress migration. I can’t get you a db dump to test with just yet though. If you have time you can make one yourself by setting up WordPress + bbPress, make some dummy posts and then try migrate that over.

I can hold off for a bit, I think I had some PHP version issues on the box I’m working with that prevented me from setting up php-fpm in the past due to one of the packages I’m running.