(April 2018) Monthly WIP & Screenshot thread

I think this was because there was some change in the pbr area.

This changed version of PBRTerrain.frag does work with the current master (at least it does not throw any errors:

#import "Common/ShaderLib/GLSLCompat.glsllib"
#import "Common/ShaderLib/PBR.glsllib"
#import "Common/ShaderLib/Parallax.glsllib"
#import "Common/ShaderLib/Lighting.glsllib"

uniform vec4 g_LightData[NB_LIGHTS];

varying vec3 wPosition;

//  uniform sampler2D m_IntegrateBRDF;
  uniform samplerCube g_PrefEnvMap;
  uniform vec3 g_ShCoeffs[9];
  uniform vec4 g_LightProbeData;

    uniform sampler2D m_MetallicMap;
    uniform float m_Metallic_0;
    uniform float m_Metallic_1;
    uniform float m_Metallic_2;
    uniform float m_Metallic_3;
    uniform float m_Metallic_4;
    uniform float m_Metallic_5;
    uniform float m_Metallic_6;
    uniform float m_Metallic_7;
    uniform float m_Metallic_8;
    uniform float m_Metallic_9;
    uniform float m_Metallic_10;
    uniform float m_Metallic_11;
    uniform sampler2D m_RoughnessMap;
uniform float m_Roughness_0;
uniform float m_Roughness_1;
uniform float m_Roughness_2;
uniform float m_Roughness_3;
uniform float m_Roughness_4;
uniform float m_Roughness_5;
uniform float m_Roughness_6;
uniform float m_Roughness_7;
uniform float m_Roughness_8;
uniform float m_Roughness_9;
uniform float m_Roughness_10;
uniform float m_Roughness_11;

    uniform vec4 m_Emissive;
    uniform sampler2D m_EmissiveMap;
#if defined(EMISSIVE) || defined(EMISSIVEMAP)
    uniform float m_EmissivePower;
    uniform float m_EmissiveIntensity;

  uniform sampler2D m_SpecularMap;
  uniform sampler2D m_GlossMap;

  uniform sampler2D m_LightMap;

varying vec3 wNormal;
#if defined(NORMALMAP_0) || defined(NORMALMAP_1) || defined(NORMALMAP_2) || defined(NORMALMAP_3) || defined(NORMALMAP_4) || defined(NORMALMAP_5) || defined(NORMALMAP_6) || defined(NORMALMAP_7)
    varying vec4 wTangent;

varying vec2 texCoord;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_0;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_1;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_2;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_3;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_4;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_5;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_6;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_7;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_8;
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_9;
#ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_10
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_10;
#ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_11
  uniform sampler2D m_DiffuseMap_11;

  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_0_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_1_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_2_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_3_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_4_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_5_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_6_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_7_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_8_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_9_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_10_scale;
  uniform float m_DiffuseMap_11_scale;

    uniform sampler2D m_AlphaMap;
#ifdef ALPHAMAP_1
  uniform sampler2D m_AlphaMap_1;
#ifdef ALPHAMAP_2
  uniform sampler2D m_AlphaMap_2;

#ifdef NORMALMAP_0
  #define NORMALMAP
  uniform sampler2D m_NormalMap_0;
#ifdef NORMALMAP_1
  uniform sampler2D m_NormalMap_1;
#ifdef NORMALMAP_2
  uniform sampler2D m_NormalMap_2;
#ifdef NORMALMAP_3
  uniform sampler2D m_NormalMap_3;
#ifdef NORMALMAP_4
  uniform sampler2D m_NormalMap_4;
#ifdef NORMALMAP_5
  uniform sampler2D m_NormalMap_5;
#ifdef NORMALMAP_6
  uniform sampler2D m_NormalMap_6;
#ifdef NORMALMAP_7
  uniform sampler2D m_NormalMap_7;

    uniform float m_ParallaxHeight;
    vec2 classicOffset;

    void applyParallax(inout vec2 coord, in sampler2D normalMap){
        coord = coord + (texture2D(normalMap,coord).a - 0.6) *  classicOffset;
    void applyParallax(inout vec2 coord, in sampler2D normalMap){}

#define DEFINE_COORD(index) vec2 coord##index = texCoord * m_DiffuseMap##index##_scale;

#define BLEND(index, ab)\
    diffuseColor.rgb = mix( diffuseColor.rgb,  texture2D(m_DiffuseMap##index, coord##index).rgb ,ab );\
    Metallic = mix(Metallic, m_Metallic##index; ab);\
    Roughness = mix(Roughness, m_Roughness##index, ab);

#define BLEND_NORMAL(index, ab)\
    applyParallax(coord##index, m_NormalMap##index);\
    normal = mix(normal,texture2D(m_NormalMap##index, coord##index).xyz, ab);\
    diffuseColor.rgb = mix( diffuseColor.rgb,  texture2D(m_DiffuseMap##index, coord##index).rgb ,ab );\
    Metallic = mix(Metallic, m_Metallic##index, ab);\
    Roughness = mix(Roughness, m_Roughness##index, ab);

uniform vec3 g_CameraPosition;
void main(){
    vec3 viewDir = normalize(g_CameraPosition - wPosition);
    vec3 norm = normalize(wNormal);

    #if defined(NORMALMAP_0) || defined(NORMALMAP_1) || defined(NORMALMAP_2) || defined(NORMALMAP_3) || defined(NORMALMAP_4) || defined(NORMALMAP_5) || defined(NORMALMAP_6) || defined(NORMALMAP_7)
        mat3 tbnMat = mat3(wTangent.xyz, wTangent.w * cross( (wNormal), (wTangent.xyz)), wNormal.xyz);

        vec3 vViewDir =  normalize(viewDir * tbnMat);  
        classicOffset = m_ParallaxHeight * vViewDir.xy * vViewDir.z;

    #ifdef ALPHAMAP
        vec4 alphaBlend = texture2D( m_AlphaMap, texCoord);
    #elif defined(DIFFUSEMAP_0) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_1) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_2) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_3) 
        vec4 alphaBlend = vec4(0.5);
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_0
        #ifdef NORMALMAP_0       
            applyParallax(coord_0, m_NormalMap_0);
            vec3 normal = texture2D(m_NormalMap_0, coord_0).xyz * alphaBlend.r;
            vec3 normal = vec3(0.5,0.5,1);
        vec4 diffuseColor =  vec4(texture2D(m_DiffuseMap_0, coord_0).rgb * alphaBlend.r, 1.0);
        float Metallic =  m_Metallic_0;
        float Roughness =  m_Roughness_0;

    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_1
        #ifdef NORMALMAP_1
            BLEND_NORMAL(_1, alphaBlend.g)
            BLEND(_1,  alphaBlend.g)
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_2
        #ifdef NORMALMAP_2
            BLEND_NORMAL(_2, alphaBlend.b)
            BLEND(_2,  alphaBlend.b)
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_3
        #ifdef NORMALMAP_3
            BLEND_NORMAL(_3, alphaBlend.a)
            BLEND(_3,  alphaBlend.a)

    #ifdef ALPHAMAP_1
        vec4 alphaBlend1 = texture2D( m_AlphaMap_1, texCoord);  
    #elif defined(DIFFUSEMAP_4) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_5) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_6) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_7) 
        vec4 alphaBlend1 = vec4(0.5);
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_4  
        #ifdef NORMALMAP_4
            BLEND_NORMAL(_4, alphaBlend1.r)
            BLEND(_4, alphaBlend1.r)
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_5
        #ifdef NORMALMAP_5
            BLEND_NORMAL(_5, alphaBlend1.g)
            BLEND(_5,  alphaBlend1.g)
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_6
        #ifdef NORMALMAP_6
            BLEND_NORMAL(_6, alphaBlend1.b)
            BLEND(_6,  alphaBlend1.b)
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_7
        #ifdef NORMALMAP_7
            BLEND_NORMAL(_7, alphaBlend1.a)
            BLEND(_7,  alphaBlend1.a)
    #ifdef ALPHAMAP_2
        vec4 alphaBlend2 = texture2D( m_AlphaMap_2, texCoord);  
    #elif defined(DIFFUSEMAP_8) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_9) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_10) || defined(DIFFUSEMAP_11) 
        vec4 alphaBlend2 = vec4(0.5);
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_8
        BLEND(_8,  alphaBlend2.r)
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_9
        BLEND(_9,  alphaBlend2.g)
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_10
        BLEND(_10,  alphaBlend2.b)
    #ifdef DIFFUSEMAP_11
        BLEND(_11,  alphaBlend2.a)

    float specular = 0.5;
    Roughness =  max(Roughness, 1e-8);
        Roughness = texture2D(m_RoughnessMap, texCoord).r * Roughness;
    #ifdef METALLICMAP   
        Metallic = texture2D(m_MetallicMap, texCoord).r;
    #if defined(NORMALMAP_0) || defined(NORMALMAP_1) || defined(NORMALMAP_2) || defined(NORMALMAP_3) || defined(NORMALMAP_4) || defined(NORMALMAP_5) || defined(NORMALMAP_6) || defined(NORMALMAP_7)
      normal = normalize(tbnMat * normalize(normal * vec3(2.0) - vec3(1.0)));
      normal = normalize(wNormal);            

          vec4 specularColor = texture2D(m_SpecularMap, texCoord);
          Roughness = 1.0 - texture2D(m_GlossMap, texCoord).r;          
          vec3 fZero = specularColor.xyz;
        float nonMetalSpec = 0.08 * specular;
        vec4 specularColor = (nonMetalSpec - nonMetalSpec * Metallic) + diffuseColor * Metallic;
        diffuseColor = diffuseColor - diffuseColor * Metallic;
        vec3 fZero = vec3(specular);

    #ifdef LIGHTMAP
       vec3 lightMapColor;
          lightMapColor = texture2D(m_LightMap, texCoord2).rgb;
          lightMapColor = texture2D(m_LightMap, texCoord).rgb;
       specularColor.rgb *= lightMapColor;
       diffuseColor.rgb  *= lightMapColor;

    gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(0.0);
    float ndotv = max( dot( normal, viewDir ),0.0);
    for( int i = 0;i < NB_LIGHTS; i+=3){
        vec4 lightColor = g_LightData[i];
        vec4 lightData1 = g_LightData[i+1];                
        vec4 lightDir;
        vec3 lightVec;            
        lightComputeDir(wPosition, lightColor.w, lightData1, lightDir, lightVec);

        float fallOff = 1.0;
        #if __VERSION__ >= 110
            // allow use of control flow
        if(lightColor.w > 1.0){
            fallOff =  computeSpotFalloff(g_LightData[i+2], lightVec);
        #if __VERSION__ >= 110
        //point light attenuation
        fallOff *= lightDir.w;

        lightDir.xyz = normalize(lightDir.xyz);            
        vec3 directDiffuse;
        vec3 directSpecular;
        float hdotv = PBR_ComputeDirectLight(normal, lightDir.xyz, viewDir,
                            lightColor.rgb, fZero, Roughness, ndotv,
                            directDiffuse,  directSpecular);

        vec3 directLighting = diffuseColor.rgb *directDiffuse + directSpecular;
        gl_FragColor.rgb += directLighting * fallOff;        

        vec3 rv = reflect(-viewDir.xyz, normal.xyz);
        //prallax fix for spherical bounds from https://seblagarde.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/image-based-lighting-approaches-and-parallax-corrected-cubemap/
        // g_LightProbeData.w is 1/probe radius + nbMipMaps, g_LightProbeData.xyz is the position of the lightProbe.
        float invRadius = fract( g_LightProbeData.w);
        float nbMipMaps = g_LightProbeData.w - invRadius;
        rv = invRadius * (wPosition - g_LightProbeData.xyz) +rv;

         //horizon fade from http://marmosetco.tumblr.com/post/81245981087
        float horiz = dot(rv, norm);
        float horizFadePower = 1.0 - Roughness;
        horiz = clamp( 1.0 + horizFadePower * horiz, 0.0, 1.0 );
        horiz *= horiz;

        vec3 indirectDiffuse = vec3(0.0);
        vec3 indirectSpecular = vec3(0.0);
        indirectDiffuse = sphericalHarmonics(normal.xyz, g_ShCoeffs) * diffuseColor.rgb;
        vec3 dominantR = getSpecularDominantDir( normal, rv.xyz, Roughness*Roughness );
        indirectSpecular = ApproximateSpecularIBLPolynomial(g_PrefEnvMap, specularColor.rgb, Roughness, ndotv, dominantR, nbMipMaps);
        indirectSpecular *= vec3(horiz);

        vec3 indirectLighting = indirectDiffuse + indirectSpecular;

        gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb + indirectLighting * step( 0.0, g_LightProbeData.w);

    #if defined(EMISSIVE) || defined (EMISSIVEMAP)
        #ifdef EMISSIVEMAP
            vec4 emissive = texture2D(m_EmissiveMap, texCoord);
            vec4 emissive = m_Emissive;
        gl_FragColor += emissive * pow(emissive.a, m_EmissivePower) * m_EmissiveIntensity;

    gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

But apart from a little fix this is the shader from @b00n


cool, I will integrate it to jMB…

This might compile without any material parameters set, but as soon as you add more than one texture it crashes again. Found some typos which cause crashing, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get it to work. Will post here if I can make it work.

EDIT: Managed to resolve all errors, but now everything is black. I’m on 3.2.1 stable and I guess it’s not worth further complications.

Strange - i am currently using 3 textures without any apparent problems or crashes…

In which version of the engine?

Was this question for me? I am using the latest master.

Yeah it was. See, it doesn’t work with any of the release versions. For nearly all people that means it doesn’t work at all.