AssetNotFoundException during Debug USB (Android)

I’m working on an android game using last 3.1 sdk. I was using JDK 8 but i had to swithc to 1.7 as some modules didn’t work with last java (don’t know why,red it on stackoverflow,if you have a way to fix this please tell me). Anyway I had some problems but solved them all,however this one is pretty puzzling for me.

With default profile project runs OK on my pc but if i try to run it on my android physical device it returns me an AssetNotFoundException:

D/dalvikvm( 7758): threadid=11: exiting
W/dalvikvm( 7758): threadid=11: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40e0a9a8)
W/dalvikvm( 7758): threadid=11: uncaught exception occurred
W/System.err( 7758): com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException: Models/hands.mesh.xml

As you an understand “hands.mesh.xml” is under assets/Models because application runs without problems on my computer. I tried to run a completely vanilla BasicGame on my phone and it works too.

I have totally no idea on how to fix this,looked for some documentation but i’ve not found much,maybe i missed something.

Here are my PC:

Kubuntu 14.04.3
Running on jMonkeyEngine 3.1.0 (snapshot-github)

  • Branch: unknown
  • Git Hash:
  • Build Date: 2015-05-05
    OpenGL Renderer Information
  • Vendor: X.Org
  • Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on AMD JUNIPER
  • OpenGL Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3
  • GLSL Version: 1.30

And phone:

Alcatel pop C9 (not rooted,stock rom)
Android 4.2 (Kernel 3.4.5,build 01003)

That’s all information i’ve got to retrieve,tell me if you need more.

As written in the manual, mesh.xml isn’t exported to the final application as you’re expected to convert your model to j3o.

And is there a way to automate this or i just have to convert them all manually?

Just select and right-click the files in question… (As written in the manual)

Ok,thanks! And does models work in “classic” distribution JARs i have to convert them for PC version too?

As written in the manual, mesh.xml isn’t exported to the final application as you’re expected to convert your model to j3o.

Anyway i found an “unconventional” way to make it work. I modified file in line “asset.excludes” and i removed “/*.mesh.xml" and "/*.skeleton.xml”.

As written in the manual, you can do that as well however you put the burden of converting the model to the users computer/phone and don’t store extended model info for materials etc.

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