Basic camera questions (Sorry in advance)

I’m a little lost with camera frustums. I’m trying to adjust the clipping when close to an object. It seems to clip when the object is still a good distance from the player model.

I adjusted the far frustum and got the results of not rendering object past a certain distance (expected!)

I adjusted the near frustum to accomplish the same for objects close to the camera and it has a dramatic effect on the the perspective.

I guess my simple question is, how do I accomplish the above stated purpose and not mess up the perspective? What is the relation between the near frustum and perspective? I’m so lost with this one >.<

Also, is there a good read on how near/far/etc frustums work in relation to each other? lol

Sorry for the stupid questions.

This the code I use to adjust the near/far and field of view:


float aspect = (float)cam.getWidth() / (float)cam.getHeight();

cam.setFrustumPerspective( 70f, aspect, 0.1f, cam.getFrustumFar() );


This sets a pretty wide field of view (70 degrees vertically) and a pretty close near clip. I don’t remember what Camera’s default value is… maybe 45? You could play with it and find something you like.




setFrustumPerspective has a fairly heavy effect on the fog renderer. Odd side effect.

The fog post-filter has a near plane hard-coded… and I could not understand the calculations in it when I looked before. May be related.

…and note, for any post-filter that uses the depth buffer (like the post-filter fog), a small difference in near value is as significant as a huge difference in far clip because of the way the depth buffer resolution is organized.

You could try cut-pasting the fog frag material stuff (.j3md and .frag) and customize the fog.frag with a different near clip to see if that fixes it. Not a pretty solution but a solution.

pspeed said:
...and note, for any post-filter that uses the depth buffer (like the post-filter fog), a small difference in near value is as significant as a huge difference in far clip because of the way the depth buffer resolution is organized.

look at this page for more explanations on the depth buffer

Heheh… that’s precisely the page I used to reverse the z-buffer for the DoF filter. :slight_smile: