Behavior difference in TextArea between lwjgl 2 and 3

I made this: GitHub - jcfandino/lemur-lwjgl-example

So you simply need to build it twice using the profiles:

./mvnw package -Plwjgl2
./mvnw package -Plwjgl3

and execute each jar:

java -jar target/lemur-example-lwjgl2.jar
java -jar target/lemur-example-lwjgl3.jar

The example code is my original one plus some small additions, let me know if I can add something else.

@pspeed sorry for the ping, did you have chance to try my testcase?
I made it as simple as possible and should be really easy to run side by side.

My quickfix that consumes extra events works for me and Iā€™m using it in a local build, however I see that change can be a problem in case some event has to be handled by another component (e.g. when no pointer enabled).
My more ā€œadvancedā€ fix of consuming certain events depending on the key code may have the correct behavior, but it is very hacky and I think a more proper fix escapes my knowledge of lemurā€™s design.

This is the only problem I noticed using lwjgl3 and lemur.

No, sorry. I havenā€™t gotten a chance to mess with this. Your test case gets me only maybe 50% of the way to where I need to be to actually fix the problem without breaking other cases and I havenā€™t had time to make up the other 50% yet. (Maybe itā€™s a little closer than that now that I look again.)

It is on my to-do list.

Edit: definitely keep bugging me about it.