.blend import with two scenes, what does one want?

So it sounds you don’t need my code snipped…

[java]import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.io.InputStream;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import jme3blend.BlenderFile;

import jme3blend.FileBlock;

import jme3blend.any.ObjectData;



  • @author madlion


    public class Main {

  • @param args the command line arguments


    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("plane_grouptest.blend");

    AtomicReference<InputStream> ref = new AtomicReference<InputStream>(fileInputStream);

    BlenderFile file = BlenderFile.create(ref);

    for (FileBlock fileBlock : file.getBlocks("OB")) {

    ObjectData objectData = ObjectData.create(fileBlock);



    // BlenderLoader.dumpSDNA("cube.blend", "SDNA.html");



No no, I needed it … because I got no .blend loaded yet (directly).

and the // was very helpful too!!!

THANK you a lot!

Now I can indeed really experiment (and debug) my way and … (I do not now yet to create good ideas?)

pkhg said:
No no, I needed it ... because I got no .blend loaded yet (directly).

Good. ^^
pkhg said:
and the // was very helpful too!!!!

Hehe, i thought as much.

So, more or less understood (at least a little, saw e.g. all the names in the dump *.html occuring in the .blend), how a blend file is analyzed … (comparing with hex-mode in Emacs, it was ‘visible’, what is/was done).

Where should I start to see e.g. how a Cube is read and where to look how it is used for jMonkey

(have not yet found where the right mouse button “Convert to …” is to be found …