At the end of a week, month, or year I wonder where the time went. What did I accomplish?
Inspired by @pspeed 's livestreams, I recently launched a blog at Tumblr, to serve as a diary of my open-source software activities and perhaps share some programmer humor. It’s called “Tinkering in Public”. I encourage interested folks to read, follow, and reply.
Do any other JME devs/users have blogs we should know about?
Not entirely sure if this counts as a blog, but I have posted a few blog-like articles about my game and the development process on my IndieDB page. Aside from my posts here on the JME hub, IndieDB is the only other place I’ve documented any part of my game dev journey since I started working with JME.
Mine is woefully out of date. As constraints on my time have gone up, I’ve limited myself more to just working on code - perhaps not always an optimal choice.
I started re-formating my tech-demos at the AvrSandbox project into a form of blog (well, it’s more likely a tutorial page), I am writing about Embedded Systems, Digital Electronics, Circuit Components, Unix POSIX Programming and some of my prototype projects with jMonkeyEngine.
There are a lot of other ready tutorials, but they are not deployed, yet.
I plan to expand the Embedded Systems and Circuit control to a new project, probably jme3-embedded or something, most likely data will be synchronized over USB UART and/or Server sockets, interfacing sensors and custom gamepads on a jMonkeyEngine Application will be cool I guess.
I’ve been devblogging for 3 months now. Going in, I knew that Tumblr (a site better known for adult content, progressive politics, and manga) was a non-traditional platform for devblogging, but I knew people there and liked its web interface, so I persevered.
Since then, I’ve acquired 7 followers and posted to my blog 72 times: a mix of activity/progress reports, programmer humor, software news, war stories, and computing history. I enjoy posting, though sometimes it eats into my software-development time. I’m particularly proud of my series back in mid-April about the ignore-list cloning bug.
I’m a big fan of your blog @sgold. I always find your writing to be both informative and entertaining. It’s great to learn from other developers as well.
Speaking of learning, I also have a YouTube channel called Decima Gong (which is actually an anagram for Coding Game!). On the channel, I share my coding progress, create tutorials, and recommend some of the development tools I find helpful.
I’m always open to suggestions on what kind of content to create, so if there’s a specific development topic you’d like to see covered, feel free to let me know!
I merged the previous repositories into Electrostatic-Sandbox, and archived their sources. The project is totally directed now toward building a framework and infrastructure for distributed simulation systems, though there are still a lot of unexamined stuff, I managed to delineate the bold lines from the predecessors, the NASA DSES and the IEEE-1516 HLA specifications. The rest of my projects should serve this large goal, I hope I will have a testcase as a proof of concept in the near future. By the way, Serial4j is a miniaturized form of the distributed simulating architecture on wire, however, communication protocols could be also abstracted on a wireless serial protocol, so it was really handy in grounding the base ideas…
The new website, you can find the Main and the Docs sections at the header, it’s completely based on Jekyll rendering engine, and the template has been built using GPT-4o Pyxl-AI: