Bones simultaneous channel problem


I had 1 runcycle anim for a character(and its hood clothes) that i decided to split between legs and arms anims (later to have an object hold in the r hand while the l hand keeps animating itself)

as i create different channels, i 1st engage the legs animation, wich works fine

once i add the arms animation, the legs one disapear although tey are split on different channels in the code

as i have been checking the skeletton xml i noticed that for each animation, every bone had animation keys

although i removed keys from bones who were not supposed to be concerned

ex:for in the PlayerArmsWalk animation, only the arms are supposed to move, i removed the legs bone keys

but the exporter seems to create them anyway

anybody can tell me how to solve this issue

I use OGRE Exporter v1.4 script in blender

here is the code inside the controller

if(!playerLegsChannel.getAnimationName().equals("PlayerLegsWalk")) { playerLegsChannel.setAnim("PlayerLegsWalk"); playerLegsChannel.setLoopMode(LoopMode.Loop); }


You’re supposed to assign bones to be controlled by that AnimChannel.

See the javadoc for the AnimChannel.add**Bone() methods

@Momoko_Fan said:
You're supposed to assign bones to be controlled by that AnimChannel.
See the javadoc for the AnimChannel.add**Bone() methods

so by default they are all assigned to a chanel ?
is'nt it a bit tedious to assign them programaticaly, i mean i will have to modify the code every time i add or delete a bone
or i will have to rename the bones with prefix for filtering
@rompelstilchen said:
so by default they are all assigned to a chanel ?
is'nt it a bit tedious to assign them programaticaly, i mean i will have to modify the code every time i add or delete a bone
or i will have to rename the bones with prefix for filtering

ok i see addFromRootBone should do the trick
thx for your help