Building jme3 (and no I dont wont to use netbeans)

Is there  detail docs to build it some why should I have to use a tool I'm uncomfortable with just to compile some source…

Yes in the googlecode wiki, theres also nightlies in

Are you using eclipse? You might be able to import a netbeans project there. If you're just using command line, then you can execute ant on the included build.xml to build jme3.

Yeah, speaking of that, I know its not possible to import NetBeans projects but maybe theres a way to create an eclipse project around the ant build.xml file?

Usually that works. In eclipse you can create a java-project from an existing ant-build-file.

For some reason this is not working with the jME3 build-file showing the error "Specified buildfile does not contain a javac task". Very strange…

Nevertheless, here are the current eclipse-files ( .classpath and .project). (have to compile with 1.6 as there are some @overrides in the renderer-packages that have nothing to override)

I've generally had pretty good luck by checking out the files in Eclipse via svn, deleting the project (and leaving the box unchecked for deleting files on filesystem), and then creating a new project in my workspace of the same name.  It will usually find most of the source folders; just add the libs and you're good to go.

because I've setup projects before including jme3, but now I'm getting alot of breakage, I read the forums but no one  else seems to have issues

I have issues with JME3 in Eclipse also. :slight_smile:

You have to manually select src folders, and add libraries to project from lib folder. Anyway I still get some errors, but since my project is still using JME2 I don't care so much about it (I update it only to see what improvements are being implemented :)).

After some meddling with src and lib folders I think you can manage to build it (be sure to exclude android and test src folders from the project - they tend to have the most errors, although android errors are in my case there, because I don't have android libs). :slight_smile:

my project uses jme2 as well, but I've been wanting to get acquainted with jme3, run tests, adjust them, feel around a bit, the  next project will be based on concepts I learned perfected from my jme2 project

So forcing people to use NetBeans is not a good idea? With NetBeans it works out-of-the-box, but its obviously not an option for people used to eclipse. We need to somehow include an out-of-box eclipse project as well.

What do you think?

Eclpise tutorial:

Install eclipse subversive incubation (google)

new project -> other -> from svn -> neter svn data -> checkout to new project

remvoe source folder in build settins

add every folder except the android ones

add libraray path and antive folders.

after this there will be three errors in two files STILL having g3d packagenames, use eclipse suggestiosn to fix this.

After that it should all work, and from now under team, update you can autoamtically update it.

Which files have the G3D names? And why isn't NetBeans or javac complaining about that? So strange…

By the way, The @Override thing was introduced for interfaces in Java1.6, and there's a strange bug in NetBeans that causes it to identify code where @Override is not set for interfaces as warning. Also javac should be able to compile those with setting -source 1.6 -target 1.5 I believe.

Momoko_Fan said:

Which files have the G3D names? And why isn't NetBeans or javac complaining about that? So strange..
By the way, The @Override thing was introduced for interfaces in Java1.6, and there's a strange bug in NetBeans that causes it to identify code where @Override is not set for interfaces as warning. Also javac should be able to compile those with setting -source 1.6 -target 1.5 I believe.

That's not really usable for people restricted to Java 5 though, unless I'm mistaken..

anyone of the eclipse-guys tested the .classpath / .project -files I provided above?

EDIT: download 0 times is a clear sign for NO :smiley:

ttrocha's .classpath and .project work fine.

if you check those files in, anyone using eclipse can simply check out jme 'as project' from svn and it will work out of the box

ttrocha said:

anyone of the eclipse-guys tested the .classpath / .project -files I provided above?

EDIT: download 0 times is a clear sign for NO :D

somehow I managed to miss those sorry

Ok forget the thing with the package, it seems to be fixed.

can you replace 'it' with some words that describe it? Or let's say what changed?

Core-Dump said:

ttrocha's .classpath and .project work fine.
if you check those files in, anyone using eclipse can simply check out jme 'as project' from svn and it will work out of the box

I'll try it out and check them in..

ttrocha said:

anyone of the eclipse-guys tested the .classpath / .project -files I provided above?

EDIT: download 0 times is a clear sign for NO :D

We still love you   8)

Thanks for the files

EDIT:  It's in the SVN now..