Camera.setAxes() and the mouse interaction


I have just noticed that after I change the axes orientation by calling camera.setAxes(), the mouse interaction behaves strangely. I am using the FirstPersonHandler.

For instance, if I set: camera.setAxes(new Vector3f(0,-1,0), new Vector3f(0,0,1), new Vector3f(-1,0,0)); when moving the mouse to the left or right acts like I was moving it up or down.

Is there anything I need to set in order to make the behavior work correctly?



the mouseLook's lockAxis is set to cam.getUp() when constructed, so perhaps setting the camera up before handler creation or calling fpHandler.getMouseLookHandler().setLockAxis(new Vector3f(0,0,1)) would help.

That worked! Thanks,


I have a similar problem with the NodeHandler now. Is there some similar fix for that?



Looks like NodeHandler is rather closed.  You'd have to set up your node to be rotated so that up was pointing the correct way before you constructed the NodeHandler.