Camera vs. coordinates system

I'm new to all this. Can somebody please explain this to me?

A camera is defined by a coordinate system (actually the Camera defines the coordinate system in the game). The coordinate axes are left, up, and direction.

thanks a lot…

I don't know how are the axes (X, Y, Z) situated and don't know what is the meaning of up and left axes when  calling setFrame on camera object.

I guess it's not difficult but my english is too bad for fully understanding the tutorials and I just don't see the big picture  :?

XYZ probem solved, AxisRods object was very helpful. I simply wasn't sure, it's always better to see it… :slight_smile:

But the camera… still don't get it…

What ar the up and left values used for?

In 3D graphics, camera view cannot be determined only by direction vector.

Imagine two cameras having the same direction but up vector with +y, -y

-y up vector camera will show you upside down view.

If direction vector and up vector is determined. left vector is automatically set by up * direction.

mulova said:

If direction vector and up vector is determined. left vector is automatically set by up * direction.

not necessarily true. up*direction might create the correct left or the negated left vector, which would mirror the scene horizontally. Its basically the same here as you explained above with the up vector.
dhdd said:

not necessarily true. up*direction might create the correct left or the negated left vector, which would mirror the scene horizontally. Its basically the same here as you explained above with the up vector.

Thank you for pointing this out.
Someone may misunderstand this by my carelessness.
I assumed that the readers already know about commutative law.
But what you said is also liable to be misunderstood.

As far as I know,
"up * direction produces left" is right.
" direction * up = -left"
(* means cross product)