Can I generate JavaDocs for the libraries?

Can I generate JavaDocs for the libraries? I can generate Java
Docs for my code, but the referenced classes are not linked (blue links) in the results, hence I can’t go deeper when I’m looking for an explanation.

Is it possible to get the JavaDocs to go deeper, is it possible to generate JavaDocs for the libraries themselves?

In an earlier set of questions I found that were JavaDocs buried in the app directory, but they didn’t link to the user application JavaDocs, when I built the user JavaDocs.


Just open them in the Browser via the SDK help menu or directly in the code editor using Ctrl-Space?

Things break at the ‘just’. When I do the help search and ask the browser to open the .zip file that is displayed, I get a file location error. Hence, I’d like to rebuild the JavaDocs so that the links are local.


First way:

Second way:

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