Capsule bounding volume not implemented

I was browsing through the bounding volume code and noticed that the capsule type hasn’t been implemented yet:


public enum Type {


  • {@link BoundingSphere}



  • {@link BoundingBox}.



  • Currently unsupported by jME3.





    Is this targeted for release? If not, it’d probably be wise to remove it for now.

Nah, there will be a few things “not there yet” with release. Thats the difference with open source software, you see the actual stuff more than a year earlier as with any commercial release :wink: Thats also why people start complaining way too early :frowning:

Alright, I’ll see if I can implement it as sort of an exercise on my part at the very least. No guarantees, unfortunately.

@furyhunter said:
Alright, I'll see if I can implement it as sort of an exercise on my part at the very least. No guarantees, unfortunately.

Well thats more than we can expect, thanks :)

Oh, wow, I was going to use this for something. Guess I’ll be using 2 spheres and a cylinder for now?

@furyhunter said:
Alright, I'll see if I can implement it as sort of an exercise on my part at the very least. No guarantees, unfortunately.

Good luck!

I have a question about this... Jme2 seems to have had a capsule mesh you could make in the same manner as box, sphere, etc. Has capsule (as a geometry or mesh) been removed from Jmonkey in jme3?