Changing to left-handed system?

Hello again Jmonkeys,
I’m working on an editor for a game which follows the left-hand rule for axis orientation (X starts from left and goes to right, Y starts from top and goes to bottom, Z starts from far and goes outside the screen).

but JMonkeyEngine is right handed, so I really have to change it. I didn’t find any answer on internet about that and I really need your help :slight_smile:


We can’t say how you can change your system to serve a right-handed coordinate system as we don’t know it. OpenGL is right-handed so you will have to deal with that.

Well the most simple way is to twist your user interface.

Eg when entering a position translate it to jmes corrdiante system.

@Empire Phoenix said: Well the most simple way is to twist your user interface.

Eg when entering a position translate it to jmes corrdiante system.

With translations is easy enough, but what about the rotations? My quaternions follow the right hand…

Well you can guess how this works then or?
Basically you need to do the same, but in 4d with 2 imaginary numbers projected onto a 3d space ^^.

Or if enough, convert to angles, transform those convert back.

So you’re second suggestion is:

  • take the euler angles give by the user
  • transform into a quaternion
  • before rendering converting them again in eulers and making them the opposites

It could work, but as I need to do animations (i.e. SLERPs), would it work anyway? I mean, should i do this process after everytime I perform a slerp?

Whyn not before, and calculate the slerp stuff in the jme coordinates then?

You’re right. I don’t like this type of workaround, but it seems to work as expected. I will post the result with the slerps :slight_smile: