Cinematic teleport objects back to first waypoint when finished

Hello everyone,
I’m working a cinematic for my game but came across the problem that after the whole cinematic is finished, my objects (moved my a motion event) teleport back to their first waypoint. I had a look at the code and saw that onStop() in MotionEvent sets the waypoint to 0. Could that have something to do with it?
And is there a way to keep the objects at the last waypoint when the cinematic finishes?
(Not this does NOT happen when the event ends, but rather when the whole cinematic ends).

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Yeah that may be the issue…TBH it’s been years since I didn’t touch this part of the engine and I don’t really remember why it’s done like this.
Maybe try to work around it by moving manually the object to the last way point at the end of the cinematic

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I suppose I could try that, thanks.
I just thought there might be an easier solution. :slight_smile:

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