Class Intersector() for lines and segments intersections in 2D

Hi everybody,

Today I would like to share a class that I’ve juste finished. It is an Intersector that manage LineToLine, SegmentToLine and SegmentToSegment.

It is divided Double precise and can’t be used in very precise operations.

Like few algorithms, it manage collinearity. That means that for a pair of lines/segments, you can get the unique intersection only, the intersecting zone start and end, or the center of this zone.

It works with my own Point2D class but is the same than Vector2f except for the slope() method. You decide if you want to put this method in a static class Angle for example, to extends Vector2f or to use your own. You also need a getTurn() method as described after the code.

If you see some bugs, please report, if you need more explanations tell me and if you use it, please give credit.

hope it helps.


  • Intersector computes the intersection between two lines defined by four vectors given in parameters.
  • It works in two times :
    • first, it find a result of the intersection and gives some boolean methods to check it,
    • then it computes the single intersection point or intersection zone if (and only if) it’s requested.

  • Intersector makes no difference between lines and segments in its intersection calculation, so you must
  • check the booleans before asking for the intersection.

  • For example, if you gives two segments and ask for the single intersection point, it will return the
  • intersection point of the lines defined by the segments. you must check the intersectSegmentToSegment()
  • method to be sure.

  • Please note that the intersection calculation is computed with division and is not absolutely precise.

  • For information, the Angle.getTurn(a, b, c) method uses determinant to check the turning sense. * @author Benoît Dumas

  • @author Benoît Dumas
  • @version $Id$


    public class Intersector {

    public final static int PARALLEL = 1;

    public final static int INTERSECT = 2;

    public final static int COLLINEAR = 3;

    private Point2D p0, p1, q0, q1;

    private Point2D intersection, intersectionStart, intersectionEnd;

    private int result;

    private boolean inPLimits;

    private boolean inQLimits;

  • Constructs a new Intersector with four line’s vectors.

  • @param p0 P segment’s start
  • @param p1 P segment’s end
  • @param q0 Q segment’s start
  • @param q1 Q segment’s end


    public Intersector(Point2D p0, Point2D p1, Point2D q0, Point2D q1) {

    intersection = null;

    intersectionStart = null;

    intersectionEnd = null;

    inPLimits = false;

    inQLimits = false;

    this.p0 = p0;

    this.p1 = p1;

    this.q0 = q0;

    this.q1 = q1;

    result = computeIntersectionResult();


    public boolean hasLineToLineIntersection() {

    return result == INTERSECT || result == COLLINEAR;


    public boolean hasUniqueLineToLineIntersection() {

    return result == INTERSECT;


    public boolean hasSegmentToLineIntersection() {

    return result == INTERSECT && inPLimits ||

    result == COLLINEAR && inPLimits;


    public boolean hasUniqueSegmentToLineIntersection() {

    return result == INTERSECT && inPLimits;


    public boolean hasSegmentToSegmentIntersection() {

    return result == INTERSECT && inPLimits && inQLimits ||

    result == COLLINEAR && inPLimits && inQLimits;


    public boolean hasUniqueSegmentToSegmentIntersection() {

    return result == INTERSECT && inPLimits && inQLimits;


    public boolean isCollinear() {

    return result == COLLINEAR;


  • This method returns an intersection point only if there is only one.

  • @return single intersection point,
  • or null if none or more than one exists.


    public Point2D getUniqueIntersection() {

    if(result == COLLINEAR || result == PARALLEL)

    return null;

    if(intersection == null)


    return intersection;


  • This method returns any intersection point found.

  • @return a single intersection point,
  • or the middle point of the intersection zone,
  • or null if none exists.


    public Point2D getAnyIntersection() {

    if(intersection == null)


    return intersection;


  • This method returns the start of the intersection zone.
  • If the lines are intersecting on a single point, it returns this point.

  • @return the end point of the intersection zone,
  • or the single intersection point,
  • or null if none exists.


    public Point2D getIntersectionZoneStart() {

    if(intersection == null)


    if(intersectionStart == null)

    return intersection;

    return intersectionStart;


  • This method returns the end of the intersection zone.
  • If the lines are intersecting on a single point, it returns this point.

  • @return the end point of the intersection zone,
  • or the single intersection point,
  • or null if none exists.


    public Point2D getIntersectionZoneEnd() {

    if(intersection == null)


    if(intersectionEnd == null)

    return intersection;

    return intersectionEnd;


    private int computeIntersectionResult() {

    // for each end point, find the side of the other line.

    // if two end points lie on opposite sides of the other line, then the lines are crossing.

    // if all end points lie on opposite sides, then the segments are crossing.

    float Pq0 = Angle.getTurn(p0, p1, q0);

    float Pq1 = Angle.getTurn(p0, p1, q1);

    float Qp0 = Angle.getTurn(q0, q1, p0);

    float Qp1 = Angle.getTurn(q0, q1, p1);

    // check if all turn have none angle. In this case, lines are collinear.

    if(Pq0 == Angle.NONE &&

    Pq1 == Angle.NONE &&

    Qp0 == Angle.NONE &&

    Qp1 == Angle.NONE) {

    // at this point, we know that lines are collinear.

    // we must check if they overlap for segments intersection

    if(q0.distance(p0) <= p0.distance(p1) && q0.distance(p1) <= p0.distance(p1)){

    // then q0 is in P limits and p0 or p1 is in Q limits

    inPLimits = true;

    inQLimits = true;


    return COLLINEAR;


    // check if q0 and q1 lie around P AND p0 and p1 lie around Q.

    // in this case, the two segments intersect

    else if (Pq0 * Pq1 <= 0 && Qp0 * Qp1 <= 0) {

    inPLimits = true;

    inQLimits = true;

    return INTERSECT;


    // At this point, we know that segments are not crossing

    // check if q0 and q1 lie around P OR p0 and p1 lie around Q.

    // in this case, a segment cross a line

    else if(Pq0 * Pq1 <= 0) {

    inQLimits = true;

    return INTERSECT;

    } else if(Qp0 * Qp1 <= 0) {

    inPLimits = true;

    return INTERSECT;


    // At this point, we know that each segment lie on one side of the other

    // We now check the slope to know if lines are parallel

    double pSlope = p0.slope(p1);

    double qSlope = q0.slope(q1);

    if(pSlope == qSlope)

    // this test works even if the slopes are "Double.infinity" due to the verticality of the lines and division by 0

    return PARALLEL;


    return INTERSECT;


    private void computeIntersectionPoint() {

    if (result == INTERSECT){


  • Single point intersection

  • This calculation method needs divisions, which may cause approximation problems.
  • The intersection point, once rounded to float precision, may be out the line bounding.
  • If "on-the-line" intersection point is needed, you will have to use a more robust method.


    intersection = new Point2D();

    double pSlope = p0.slope(p1);

    double qSlope = q0.slope(q1);

    double pOrdinate = p0.y - pSlope * p0.x;

    double qOrdinate = q0.y - qSlope * q0.x;

    // At this point, we already know that pSlope != qSlope (checked in previously launched method)

    // So the divide by 0 case should never happen.

    // We must check if the lines are verticals (infinite slope)

    if(Double.isInfinite(pSlope)) {

    intersection.x = p0.x;

    intersection.y = (float) (qSlope * intersection.x + qOrdinate);

    } else if(Double.isInfinite(qSlope)) {

    intersection.x = q0.x;

    intersection.y = (float) (pSlope * intersection.x + pOrdinate);

    } else {

    intersection.x = (float) ((pOrdinate - qOrdinate) / (qSlope - pSlope));

    intersection.y = (float) (pSlope * intersection.x + pOrdinate);


    } else if(result == COLLINEAR){


  • Collinear intersection zone

  • At this point, we have to find the two points that enclose the intersection zone.
  • We use distances to check if a segment’s end is inside the other segment.
  • The single intersection point is set to the middle of the intersection zone.

  • Note that if P and Q are not overlapping, then there is no intersection zone
  • and all intersection points are set to "null".
  • For segments, it means that there is no intersection.
  • For lines, it means that intersection zone is infinite.


    if(q0.distance(p0) <= p0.distance(p1) && q0.distance(p1) <= p0.distance(p1)){

    // then q0 is in P

    intersectionStart = q0;

    if(q1.distance(p0) <= p0.distance(p1) && q1.distance(p1) <= p0.distance(p1)) {

    // then q0 and q1 are both in P

    System.out.println("(collinear) Q is in P");

    intersectionEnd = q1;

    } else // then q0 is in P but q1 is out of P

    if(p0.distance(q0) <= q0.distance(q1) && q0.distance(p1) <= q0.distance(q1))

    // then q0 is in P and p0 is in Q

    intersectionEnd = p0;


    intersectionEnd = p1;

    } else // then q0 is out of p

    if(q1.distance(p0) <= p0.distance(p1) && q1.distance(p1) <= p0.distance(p1)) {

    // then q0 is out of P and q1 is in P

    intersectionStart = q1;

    if(p0.distance(q0) <= q0.distance(q1) && q0.distance(p1) <= q0.distance(q1))

    // then q1 is in P and p0 is in Q

    intersectionEnd = p0;


    intersectionEnd = p1;

    } else { // then q0 and q1 are both out of P

    if(p0.distance(q0) <= q0.distance(q1) && q0.distance(p1) <= q0.distance(q1)) {

    // then P is in Q

    System.out.println("(collinear) P is in Q");

    intersectionStart = p0;

    intersectionEnd = p1;

    } else {

    System.out.println("(collinear) Q and P are not touching ");

    intersectionStart = null;

    intersectionEnd = null;



    intersection = intersectionEnd.subtract(intersectionStart).divide(2);




    here is the code for getTurn() method, to add in a static class Angle for example.

    [java] /**
  • Returns the determinant between the two edges.

  • @return negative value equals to turning clockwise,
  • positive value equals to turning counter clockwise,
  • zero value equals to collinear.


    public static int getTurn(Point2D A, Point2D B, Point2D p) {

    float turn = B.subtract(A).determinant(p.subtract(A));

    if(turn > 0)


    else if(turn < 0)

    return CLOCKWISE;


    return NONE;



    And finaly the slope() method, to add in a static class or to extend to Vector2f/Point2D

    [java] public double slope(Point2D other) {

    // add exception throwing

    if(other.x-x == 0)

    return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    return (other.y-y)/(other.x-x);

