Clicking in models with data

hi… i am having some problems clicking in imported 3d models…

i am loading a lot of 3d models… and inserting them in my gameNode

(Spatial) BinaryImporter.getInstance().load(new ByteArrayInputStream(models.get(obj.getURL()).toByteArray()));

for example... i load a tiger.3ds  and insert them in gameNode..
i have a class that will carry infos about this object... like name, age, strength, and other things...

when i click on tiger and use:
GeomBatch gb = pr.getPickData(0).getTargetMesh();
System.out.println(gb.getParentGeom().getName());// Man_bofy  , Sphere

i get the following strings:

i dont know how to create a path between my class tiger (that extends a Spatial) and the model in the screen...
cause i want to click in the Tiger model with ID 1... and load the info about the Tiger 1... and so on...


Looks as if you never set the node name :slight_smile:

make sure you are setting names on ALL the models you import…

Spatial model = [ load model....]

model.setName( "modelName" );

Also, those names should be unique for each model loaded otherwise picking may result object 'collisions' (ex. tiger1 and tiger2 (vs) tiger and tiger).

What I do in my app is use setUserData() to store some data object, when I receive the geometry from the pick callback, I loop through the ancestors of said geometry until I find one with the user data set.

Momoko_Fan said:

What I do in my app is use setUserData() to store some data object, when I receive the geometry from the pick callback, I loop through the ancestors of said geometry until I find one with the user data set.


You can also store an actual refernece to the Tiger ;) using the Savable wrapper described in this thread:

Also have a search on the forum for entity and entity node - simple framework that extends Node and implements Entity - that way you just test instanceof Entity on the picks