Color formats


are there methods that allow conversion to RGB from HSV and vice versa ?

If there are please tell me where.

If not do you mind if I add method

fromHSV(float, float, float)


Vector3f toHsv()

to ColoRGBA class ??

Or maybe there is a better place for it ? :slight_smile:

  1. rule 1 : dont create subclasses, inheritance is for nabs. a) why spend 20 extra commands ? b) cause cache misses because of extra memory c) code pollution by creating a god class e.g a class that does everything d) require creating instances just to use static methods


    [java]package riven;

    import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;

    /** Riven : Riven :: code </> brain :: dump: Color :: HSL <> RGB


    public class ColorHSL


    public static final void rgb2hsl(int[] rgb, float[] hsl)


    float R = rgb[0] / 255.0f;

    float G = rgb[1] / 255.0f;

    float B = rgb[2] / 255.0f;

    float MAX = Math.max(R, Math.max(G, B));

    float MIN = Math.min(R, Math.min(G, B));

    float H, L, S;

    if (MIN == MAX)

    H = 0.0f;

    else if (R == MAX)

    H = 0.16666666f * ((G - B) / (MAX - MIN)) + 0.00000000f;

    else if (G == MAX)

    H = 0.16666666f * ((B - R) / (MAX - MIN)) + 0.33333333f;


    H = 0.16666666f * ((R - G) / (MAX - MIN)) + 0.66666666f;

    L = 0.5f * (MIN + MAX);

    if (L == 0.0f || (MIN == MAX))

    S = 0.0f;

    else if (L <= 0.5f)

    S = (MAX - MIN) / (2 * L);


    S = (MAX - MIN) / (2 - 2 * L);

    hsl[0] = absMod(H, 1.0f);

    hsl[1] = S;

    hsl[2] = L;


  • @param hue : value between 0 - 1. Use hue/360f if hue is specified in degrees.


    public static ColorRGBA hueToColor(float hue, float saturation, float light)


    float[] hsl = new float[3];

    hsl[0] = hue ;

    hsl[1] = saturation;

    hsl[2] = light ;

    int[] rgb = new int[3];


    return new ColorRGBA(rgb[0]/255f,rgb[1]/255f,rgb[2]/255f,1f);


    * @return hsl[0] : hue (value between 0 - 1). Use hsl[0]*360 to convert to degrees. */

    public static float[] colorToHue(ColorRGBA color)


    int[] rgb = new int[3];

    rgb[0] = (int)(color.getRed() * 255);

    rgb[1] = (int)(color.getGreen() * 255);

    rgb[2] = (int)(color.getBlue() * 255) ;

    float[] hsl = new float[3];


    hsl[0] = hsl[0];

    return hsl;


    public static final int[] hsl2rgb(float[] hsl, int[] rgb)


    float H = hsl[0];

    float S = hsl[1];

    float L = hsl[2];

    float R, G, B;

    if (S == 0.0f)


    R = G = B = L;




    float Q = (L < 0.5f) ? (L * (1.0f + S)) : ((L + S) - (L * S));

    float P = 2.0f * L - Q;

    float Hk = absMod(H, 1.0f);

    R = convert(Q, P, Hk + 0.33333333333f);

    G = convert(Q, P, Hk + 0.00000000000f);

    B = convert(Q, P, Hk - 0.33333333333f);


    rgb[0] = (int) (clamp(R, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255.0f);

    rgb[1] = (int) (clamp(G, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255.0f);

    rgb[2] = (int) (clamp(B, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 255.0f);

    return rgb;


    private static final float convert(float Q, float P, float Tx)


    Tx = absMod(Tx, 1.0f);

    if (Tx < 1.0f / 6.0f)

    return P + ((Q - P) * 6.0f * Tx);

    if (Tx < 3.0f / 6.0f)

    return Q;

    if (Tx < 4.0f / 6.0f)

    return P + ((Q - P) * 6.0f * (4.0f / 6.0f - Tx));

    return P;


    public static final float absMod(float val, float max)


    return ((val % max) + max) % max;


    public static final float clamp(float cur, float min, float max)


    return (cur < min ? min : (cur > max ? max : cur));

