[committed] Jar up derived Collada files

I want to jar up the Collada XML binding files under com.jmex.model.collada.schema and com.jmex.xml , thereby cutting our src/com code base in half.

See the preceding discussion at http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/jmeforum/index.php?topic=11077.0.

I would make files like lib/colladabind.jar and lib/colladabind-src.jar, and update build.xml to update classpath and distro builds accordingly.

Thats a good idea, it will also reduce the warnings alot.

Things like "The serializable class assetType does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long assetType.java"

Completed with rev 4331.

Collada Users:  I've eliminated jme-xml.jar.  You still need jme-model.jar and jme-collada.jar like before.  Now, jme-collada.jar is built to include all of the binding classes.  I judged it to be more convenient this way.  If the general preference is to keep the binding classes separate, I can easily switch to do that, in which case you will need to add lib/jme-colladabinding.jar to your app distributions and classpaths.

Let me know if anybody has any build problems, especially if you integrate some other build framework.

also added jme-colladabinding.jar to eclipse project settings

Also removed the @Override methods in Bone and Skeleton for java 5 compatibility.

It seems that @Override on a interface Method is only valid in java6 not 5.

Core-Dump said:

Also removed the @Override methods in Bone and Skeleton for java 5 compatibility.

It seems that @Override on a interface Method is only valid in java6 not 5.

That is very surprising.  The javac "-source" switch is not doing what it is there for.  From Sun's javac syntax banner:  Provide source compatibility with specified release

antiben reported this but due to the -source setting, I thought he must be using a non-Sun compiler or something.  I'll get back to him.

Good to know.  Thanks for finding and fixing.

Yes i also tried with -source and it compiled fine using the jdk 6.

I guess its strictly a jdk 5 issue maybe only earlier version.

Core-Dump said:

Yes i also tried with -source and it compiled fine using the jdk 6.
I guess its strictly a jdk 5 issue maybe only earlier version.

Our Ant build file already adds the -source switch, unless you override it by changing the javac.source property locally.