Continuous Terrain Class

Nice  but VERY slow on my system

50 fps at 27 meshes, 43020 triangles and 22893 vertices.

Do we have three versions of continuous terrain floating around on here now? :o


I don't know. Where are the others?

Looks very good, runs very smoothly.

cosmo said:

I don't know. Where are the others?


Runs at smooth steady 40 fps here which is not much slower than TestTerrainPage with fog disabled and far plane set out to 4096.

Here are a few questions however:

*) Why do You have vsync enabled ?

*) As i understand the code You create 9 similiar terrain pages and reset the position when the cam leaves the middle page.

    if this is true wouldn't it be better to use shared geometry / billboarding to represent the surrounding pages ?

*) how do You intend to represent Static geometry on the TerrainCont ?

Boundings seem to draw correct for the SharedNodes (B - Button)

Maybe culling does not work properly ???

Sorry not really an Idea either, but maybe one of the dev's can enlighten us here  :roll:

Badmi said:

It has been suggested that all the people working on Continuous Terrain combine there work and form one code (that may go into the cvs if mojo wants)


Nice catch cosmo :slight_smile:

Runs much more reasonable now

FPS are almost equal with 1-2 advantage for the TerrainPage Approach but memory usage is cut to half from 96.000 k to 48.000 k !

uhmmm… i don't know if this is not off topic, but the camera formly sticks to the terrain. i.e. if you walk on inclined terrain you feel like spiderman climbing walls :slight_smile:

don't get me wrong. i don't want to be offending, actually i think it's quite cool. it reminds me of "aliens vs. predator"  :wink:

another strange thing is that when you look down to the ground the triangle count goes up over 150k and the framerate drops. usually you would expect the opposite (low triiangle count, high fps when you look at the ground).

I dont see the triangle count going up? did You check out latest cvs as there was a bug in SharedMesh thats not fixed in the nightly builds yet

If You want to leave the ground then You might want to comment out following lines:

Vector3f location = cam.getLocation();
location.y = tc.getHeight(location) + 10.f;

in TerrainContinuousTest.simpleRender()

i was just testing the webstart app. i will play arround with the code when i get home tonight.

Sfera said:

uhmmm... i don't know if this is not off topic, but the camera formly _sticks_ to the terrain. i.e. if you walk on inclined terrain you feel like spiderman climbing walls :)
don't get me wrong. i don't want to be offending, actually i think it's quite cool. it reminds me of "aliens vs. predator"  ;)

I want to make a tank sim like Armored Fist 1 and tanks tend to stick on the ground  :)

The webstart app represents the actual progress of development and all classes are made to suit this purpose (tank sim) best.

point taken :slight_smile:

Hey Cosmo, nice code, I've been playing with it for days, and made some modifications to wrap the terrainblocks around a sphere.  My version is pretty radically different, but just wanted to let you know I'd started from your continuous terrain class :slight_smile: