Controlling an camera

Hi, I'm a newbie at all this and was wondering how to control a camera so it moves with a spatial object.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Maybe you could give us a piece of code?

Nevertheless the first thing that came to my mind was that you could have forgotten to call one of the several update methods during the update method of your game

Use the CameraNode and attach it to your spatial, either that or use a ChaseCamera like in FlagRushTut.

Well when I do that the game starts with the camera on the box, but the camera doesn't move with the box.

(I attached the box to a CameraNode)

EDIT: never mind I got it to work
Custom said:

Nevertheless the first thing that came to my mind was that you could have forgotten to call one of the several update methods during the update method of your game

Yeah that's what happened but I got it to work now.