Coordinate converting problem

(1)a coordinate of a geometry/particleemitter begins in the center of the screen when it is in Vector3f(0,0,0)
(2)a coordinate of a picture/image begins in the leftdown side of the screen when it is in Vector3f(0,0,0)

My question is: How do I convert coordinate of(1) to (2)? Is that possible?


The camera class supports all these operations you need to go both ways.

<cite>@Sploreg said:</cite> camera.getScreenCoordinates(myWorldVector)

The camera class supports all these operations you need to go both ways.

Thanks for help
I will try it.

it works like a charm
from world coordinate to screen coordinate: cam.getScreenCoordinates(new Vector3f(x,x,0));
from screen coordinate to world coordinate: cam:cam.getWorldCoordinates(new Vector2f(x,x),0)*10;

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