Creating a project

Hello folks,

Im feel really stupid because i can’t figure out how to create a project on the forum.
Ive searched quite allot but i still havn’t found a create project button …

Thanks for any help!

Thats because there isn’t one :), Only certain people have access to that, @erlend_sh being one of them :slight_smile:

Yeah, we had plans for open group creation for a while, but we haven’t come up with easy way to moderate it. We’ll most likely repurpose the whole feature soon.

I guess thats to prevent spamm and hundreds of groups.
You could let everyone wait a week before they can use theyre group and let people go through description and make sure, that people are achely taking it serious if groupspam is what you want to prevent.
I’m working on a mixture between a gameplattform and a social network in which every user can create and submit his own games, but for them there is no programming. They have a relativly easy to use Interface that dosn’t need coding . Ive been working on it quite some time but its also quite complex and im no good 3d modeller so its still far from completion. Would be cool if I could open a group sometime soon because i don’t want to rent a domain, server and setup a forum just yet. (quite expensive for someone that goes to school ;P). Would be awesome if you could make an exception.

Pls let me now if and when it is an public feature


<cite>@emtonsit said:</cite> because i don't want to rent a domain, server and setup a forum just yet. (quite expensive for someone that goes to school ;P). Would be awesome if you could make an exception.

Pls let me now if and when it is an public feature


Actually you can get all that for free. Byethost provides good free service

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@emtonsit said: Would be awesome if you could make an exception.

Pls let me now if and when it is an public feature


We do occasionally make groups for projects, but that’s when they’ve already established a small yet dedicated following. I suggest you focus on one thing at a time.

You won’t be wasting any time if you keep developing your game whilst engaging with the jME community. Those are both guaranteed wins anyhow.

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