DarkMonkey Dev Blog - [Completed]

##03/03/15 Talkin’ bout some Font testing, Github pull requests, and an Eye-Gouging nbm that is probably best left on video.##

Howdy Folks,

I’ve been in communications with some helpful people here at the jMonkeyEngine forums and I am now “learned up” on a convenient way (for me) to work with Github and the Github client.
I’ve also been working on Font code for installing an included ttf file into the JRE without installing it on a computer. That way, if the font is not actually wanted… it won’t hang around, and glare at you the next time you go to change fonts in your word processing program of choice.
To test it out, I’ve made a special nbm (which I’ve tagged for folks who are masochists) as a way of having fun, and sending a special nod to the cute Gooseface.png I received:

“aaawwww… sooo cuuuute!” :smile:

So with that in mind, I present… The Video! (safer this way)

Mainly because you probably don’t want to use this:

If you are a severe masochist, here’s your link: