DDS horrors!


That is horrible !!! I need help !

I developped a program which use dds files.

Yesterday all was Ok ! This morning, I updated my local version of jME from the CVS. Now jME throws to me a strange deep exception from LWJGL :

org.lwjgl.opengl.OpenGLException: Invalid value (1281)
   at org.lwjgl.opengl.Util.checkGLError(
   at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.swapBuffers(
   at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.update(
   at com.jme.renderer.lwjgl.LWJGLRenderer.displayBackBuffer(
   at DdsImageTest.main(

Here is a sample code wich have the same behaviour of my program :

import com.jme.image.Texture;
import com.jme.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme.scene.shape.Box;
import com.jme.scene.state.TextureState;
import com.jme.system.DisplaySystem;
import com.jme.util.TextureManager;

public class DdsImageTest extends SimpleGame {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      DdsImageTest app = new DdsImageTest();

   protected void simpleInitGame() {
      Box box = new Box("box", new Vector3f(-5, -5, -5), new Vector3f(5, 5, 5));
      Texture texture = TextureManager.loadTexture(DdsImageTest.class.getClassLoader().getResource(""), Texture.FM_LINEAR, Texture.FM_LINEAR);
      TextureState ts = DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem().getRenderer().createTextureState();


I put "" on

Please I need your help !!!

Looks like the upgrade to lwjgl1.0 is the cause.  We guessed at an argument change.  Fix is in progress.

Edit: Fix is done, should be in CVS shortly.  Wish they commented their code a little more.

Thanks renance ! You are my hero !

Targ said:

Thanks renance ! You are my hero !

Wow, that's likely the saddest thing I've ever heard.  :D

Are you sad because it couldn't be you??  :wink:

renanse said:

Are you sad because it couldn't be you??  ;)

Nice come-back.  :lol:

.....and YES! 

Don't worry about that Darkfrog, all people who work in the jME developpement team are heroes for me.

In fact, you make me want to become an hero too…  :smiley:

…hehe, that's just what the world needs is another hero like me.  :-o

I'm serious : I really LOVE the work that all people made on this engine.

what about us, the people who do their best to hinder them? without us, there would be no work to do at all.

sfera said:

what about us, the people who do their best to hinder them? without us, there would be no work to do at all.

That's true....and sfera does a good job of hindering....if there were an award for that he would win hands down.

@sfera, and you say I don't compliment you.  :P

it would suffice if you would complement me :slight_smile:

That's just crazy talk.  XD

… In fact Renance is right, a frog like you cannot being my hero.  :stuck_out_tongue:

Targ said:

... In fact Renance is right, a frog like you cannot being my hero.  :P

Thank goodness....I was worried about the state of the world if I were someone's hero.  :P

I don't think there would be a world, as all SCIENCE!! (it has to be written like that for it is SCIENCE!!) would have inverted, up would be down, black would be white and everything would be nothing!