(December 2017) Monthly WIP screenshot thread

Thank you.

@pspeed I use a Texture2DArray to store the color and transmittance at each point in the view frustum. The z direction uses 64 to 400 slices, depending on the performance of the GPU. For example, the Gtx 960m can do 128 slices at 1/8th of the screen resolution.

PapaSpace is mainly a research platform for next generation flight simulator visual systems. It is used at the University of Technology in Graz (Austria) but I am also seeking a first contract with flight simulator manufacturers.
Maybe a consumer version will also exist any time soon but I did not consider any details of that plan yet.

@Domenic Yes, I will create a demo video and upload it when ready.


I’ve finished the foundation for making my game include multiplayer, and I’ve just added duels and 2v2 matches. I’m also nearly finished with a co-op mode for the main survival game mode, then I hope I can finally get to work on improving the animations and making the maps look better soon.

Here’s a short clip of me dueling myself on a small test map.