Deleted mobile directory


I don’t know if these has been reported before but yesterday i got the crazy idea to uncheck the android deployment under project properties > android.

After unchecking jmonkey deleted the entire mobile directory which included all the android related code i have developed :(.
Don’t worry, i have recovered the files with a recovery software … but still i got really scared that i have lost them.
Someone should inform people about this. If you want to uncheck android deployment you should have a backup plan :slight_smile:

Mhh ok.
But you’d really do yourself a favor by using a VCS software. Git, SVN, Mercurial, whatever. Screwing up your project is pretty common during dev, and having a backup make things easier, even if you work alone.

Yeah, developing without source control is like tight roping naked over chunks of glass soaked in salt and lemon juice… on a windy day. That doesn’t sound like fun to me.

I thought the mobile project isn’t supposed to be modified? Its completely generated during the build process.

What more information do you need apart from an explicit mention of this behavior right in the panel where the checkbox is?


@Victor Caliman :
I work alone on a project too, but I can really recommend VCS. I use GoogleCode and SVN.

@Momoko_Fan :
I did some modifications in the mobile project. I edited the following files: (extra method)
AndroidManifest.xml (GL ES 2.0 requirement)
res\values\strings.xml (application tile) (key-store specified)

You have to edit the mobile project if you want to do some Android specific things. You can just normally do a clean&build. You only have to be careful with checking/unchecking the checkbox in the project options.

@normen said: What more information do you need apart from an explicit mention of this behavior right in the panel where the checkbox is?

Yes, you’re right, it does say that. I should pay more attention :slight_smile: and start using a SVN even for my own projects.