Desktop obfuscation and signing are not working

Brief background:

First I get this error:

C:\Users\main\JMonkeyEngine\Katex\nbproject\obfuscate-impl.xml:7: Can’t read [C:\Users\main\JMonkeyEngine\Katex${platform.home}\jre\lib\rt.jar] (No such file or directory)

which I have to change the line to
“C:\Program Files (x86)\jmonkeyplatform\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar’”

then it works (the single quotes are added to support spaces in the url).

Also, signing the application alone works fine.

Moreover, obfuscating alone doesn’t work. I think one of the reasons is because it only creates the main jar, the extension libraries are never created. The \lib folder is created though.

Furthermore, I added the line “Permissions: all-permissions” to the manifest file to comply with the latest java specifications.

The problem:

The game doesn’t launch after I build it when I sign it and obfuscated it on JMonkey.

This is the output I get.

What I can tell is that some files are being copied but are duplicate and are signed already.

What I don’t understand is why the obfuscation process tries to swallow the libs and merge it with the main Kartex.jar. When I obfuscated manually with the non-jmonkey proguard it leaves the libs alone and only processes the main Kartex.jar, which is the right thing to do.

If I had to guess what the problem is here is that the obfuscation process is trying to create a single jar file, and doing it wrong.

Another thing I have to say is that when I tried to obfuscate eventbus.jar with the standard non-jmonkey proguard it wouldn’t obfuscate. So I don’t know how many other of the \libs jars cannot be processed by proguard.

Also, it is worth mentioning that I don’t mind that the \libs jars don’t get obfuscated, because that is pointless.