Discard Transparent Pixels GLSL

Hi all i have a little problem i have a png file with a transparent Background, but when y render it i don’t get trasparent with other texture, but, the backgraund of the png file get the same as the backggound color seted up for the opengl background scene. i set up a jm3 file with


AdditionalRenderState {
Blend Alpha
Wireframe Off


and in the fragment i have

gl_FragColor.rgb = m_Multiply_Color.rgb * AniTex.rgb;


any clue on how to make this png texture full trasparent background on the fragment?

thanks in advance!!

you have to assign the alpha value .
try gl_FragColor.a = AniTex.a; after your last line

Also, if you want really discard pixels less than 0.015 you can make it in your shader:

float alpha = AniTex.a;
if(alpha < 0.015){
gl_FragColor.a = alpha;

Excelent it works great!! thanks!