Dynamic terrain shadows?

@nehon said: Nope. But I guess we could introduce some light buckets of some sort...idk. I never have the use of partitioning my lights in scenes. I know some use this because there are many lights in the scene and it's killing perf to attach every light to the root node, but this system would be here to prevent this kind of situation. let's say you have a point light of 1 WU radius only the geom in this radius would be rendered, even if the light is attached to the root node. that makes partitioning a lot less useful.

Well… either way, the proposed idea > what I was just rambling about for 99% of use cases.

Another thought that may be interesting to consider (and this is assuming that bounding volumes are used to limit lighting effect), would be to add an optional user-defined bounding volume to directional light that is used in determining it’s area of effect.

Why not… but at some point that’s gonna be a spot light…or very close to it.