Eclipse 3.2, Win32: UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.library.path

Ok guurk, I was starting to feel guilty for messing up that beautiful tutorial… but I added a little note with a link to Mark's post. I guess it's also quite visual…

llama said:

Did you try specifying a direct path rather than a relative path?

Absolutely. I tried every permutation I can think of:

using slashes /
in both absolute and relative paths... crazy. Seems to be some Eclipse bug. Strange thing is I get it wrong on my comp @work and @home...

I've given up on that anyway... I just don't get the NullPointerException posted in a new thread. Since nobody has replied yet, it's something no one seems to be able to reproduce...


Well since you gave up… when you distribute your app just put the dlls and such in the same dir as where you launch the jar. So that shouldn't be a problem.