ERROR: Mesh (bodyassaul) is offset from Amateur - zero transform is required

Hi All
Im trying to export my model from blender 2.63 owing the ogre exporter
I have followed the “recommended video” however when itty to export i get the following error
ERROR: Mesh (bodyassaul) is offset from Amateur - zero transform is required

so i guessing my mesh and armature is misaligned but how do i align then?

when i select my armature it has a transform of 0,0,0
when i select my mesh which is a child of the armature it too has a transform of 0,0,0

how do i know what there off set is?
how do i set it to zero?

many thanks

HELLO! Since this one has been baking for a bit, I’ll give it a shot.

I believe transform means: the position, rotation, scale.

You can probably fix by applying them, you can check what you have offset in the transform tab.

If you’re not entirely sure, just CTRL+A in [Object Mode] and apply all 3 by selecting them each time.