Example of an FPS camera

For sure, but not really in every second comment, especially exposed to people, who try to help you.

Let me explain something: we’re not trying to do show-offs in front of each other here - who’s smarter, better, faster, older/younger, has more experience etc. This is simply wrong attitude. We’re not selling anything here to each other. We’re learning here (well, most of us). Sharing experience. Trying to solve problem if there is one. Helping each other to learn, not more than that. So if you (me, whoever) were pointed to tutorial/example/common java package/whatever, that was 99% absolutely constructive REAL ADVICE, not some mock or just fluff. This might seem unusual in comparison to those local forums me (and most likely you) have met before (yeah, you might recall habra here, and most of other), where people coming just to talk/read/post-a-show-off-post and stuff. This one is quite contrary. It is focused, nobody visits it “just to read something about programming”, and nobody gives advises “just to reply something, whatever it is”. Once you get used to that, you’ll realize just of how valuable it is, and how really much of knowledge from really skilled people you (me, whoever) can obtain. If only care to listen.


Please note that your posts are empty and in the style of an intelligent commentator … And you explain something else. Or do you remember how you taught me 3d max? for what? what for?

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If you’d only care to follow the link I provided, you’d see that culling is explained there, as well, as in Panda3d, to the word. That was EXACT rebuttal of your delusion, that vertex order (and thus normals) doesn’t matter for rendering.


Maybe it’s easier, you wanted to seem smart. It’s strange that a person with the nickname zzuegg just said the right words, and I realized the error.

You here, for example, indicated the documentation to the left and right of me, but it turned out that the developer himself does not remember that the cursor data is accumulating. Perhaps, in your opinion, this is explained by the wiki? Or you just announced your intellect to the joy of everyone …

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Not really, I indicated the wrong attitude of you, considering context of two adjacent topics you were commenting on with similar style at the same time.

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Yeah, there are probably other completely useless parts of the engine that I don’t remember, either. I deal with hundreds of thousands of lines of code a year… I don’t remember all of them that I see.

Anyway, it won’t happen again because I plan this to be my last response to any of your threads. I won’t even be proof-reading other responses, either. Too toxic and a near complete waste of my time.

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This is no reproach, it’s like proof that the documentation is useless in some cases.

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I wonder that there are still people which try to help you?! Can’t you go some where else and play there? Please? No that is not an advice just a wish of mine.

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Amazing message, contact the administrator to block my account, for my problems. If this does not help: Alt + F4 click.

And you can just not write?

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All problems are solved, I express my gratitude to everyone, especially pspeed and yan.

Code updated.

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Was not able to find your FPS camera implementation. Can you please provide a link or something?

In this thread, it was a reference to Lemur Gems #1:

This has also been generalized into MovementState in the open source SiO2 library: GitHub - Simsilica/SiO2: Base pack of useful reusable game code that can help bootstrap any JME game project.

MovementState is more powerful because it can be used to move any object and not just the camera directly. For example, if you had a physics-based FPS game then MovementState could move the physics object representing the player and the camera could then be separately attached to that object (either third person, in the face, whatever).