Exciting news! And… um… new Documentation… dun dun duuuun

@kobRoah said: What i'm thinking about is not nested like this it's more : - rootNode > MyNode > Collidable(Geometry) |-> GUINode

The GUInode isn’t the child of “Collidable(Geometry)” but child off “rootNode > MyNode”

On the provided exemple before, when i tryed what you wrote it works, no point about it, but when i try it how i need it to work, it doesn’t.
Well it make me end with using a control XD Pretty simple in fact :
[java]package mygame.tonecontrol;

import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager;
import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.scene.control.AbstractControl;


  • @author roah
    public class ToneControl extends AbstractControl {
    private InteractiveNode toneNode;

    public ToneControl(InteractiveNode toneNode) {
    this.toneNode = toneNode;

    public void setSpatial(Spatial spatial) {

    protected void controlUpdate(float tpf) { }

    protected void controlRender(RenderManager rm, ViewPort vp) { }
    Let me know what you thing about the control, there is some issue on this since but hey :D, here is the idea…
    Ps: i forgot to mention the control only work if attach to something with a parent, well on some way there is no need of the control otherwise, even if i feel like it will be more easy to use, having a Control more than a Node.

Yeah… the geometry must reside somewhere under the extended node to work properly.

As for the control, one of the things I’ve opted to avoid is controls as a default solution in most cases. The library is careful to add/remove element controls (if they are required) only when they are actually being used. The reason this is done is because having a great number of controls has a fairly significant impact on Android’s frame rate.

For instance, buttons are only a control if you enable buttonStillDown type behavior and then the control adds itself when pressed and removes itself when released. to ensure that you have only 4 or so controls associated with the GUI library at any given time (Screen, AnimManager, EffectManager & the one control being used by the user…)

I’m pretty sure, that aside from Button’s still down behavior, there is only one other Element-base gui control in the library that does this sort of thing.

As for the use of extended nodes, another solution is to:

Load the model:
Transfer all geometries from the Model’s root node to your extended node and name it appropriately.
Continue as if you hadn’t done this.

Because the extended node is just a Node, all of the behavior, methods, etc are exactly as they were if you hadn’t decided to use this.

hi @t0neg0d,

@t0neg0d said: As for the control, one of the things I've opted to avoid is controls as a default solution in most cases. The library is careful to add/remove element controls (if they are required) only when they are actually being used. The reason this is done is because having a great number of controls has a fairly significant impact on Android's frame rate.

For instance, buttons are only a control if you enable buttonStillDown type behavior and then the control adds itself when pressed and removes itself when released. to ensure that you have only 4 or so controls associated with the GUI library at any given time (Screen, AnimManager, EffectManager & the one control being used by the user…)

I’m pretty sure, that aside from Button’s still down behavior, there is only one other Element-base gui control in the library that does this sort of thing.

Interesting. I got the problem, now let say i got “one” InteractiveNode and all my object are child of this node, when the node is trigguer, how can i/we get the geometry who have been hit ? right now how it work is : all child of the InteractiveNode trigguer the event, but the event, (MouseButtonEvent evt) didn’t have any field who give an idea of the object directly hit.

@kobRoah said: hi @t0neg0d,

Interesting. I got the problem, now let say i got “one” InteractiveNode and all my object are child of this node, when the node is trigguer, how can i/we get the geometry who have been hit ? right now how it work is : all child of the InteractiveNode trigguer the event, but the event, (MouseButtonEvent evt) didn’t have any field who give an idea of the object directly hit.



Sorry for the delay in response. I didn’t see this.

Thanks :smiley:

Edit :
hi @t0neg0d,
Is it normal that the screen.getLastCollision event always return me a null pointer ?

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