Exported ogre.mesh.xml There are multiple geometry node

Exported ogre.mesh.xml There are multiple geometry node .
node.getChildren().size()=7 Such as 0=Head,1=Hand…
They are not an object.
Therefore model = (Geometry) ((Node) node).getChild(0); Get is the head.
How to get them into a whole.

Are they separated in blender?
if yes, then merge them in blender before exporting (select all the meshes and hit ctrl+J)
if not then they may have different materials set, they shouldn’t. Ogre splits any mesh with several material.

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I’m using 3dmax
I do not know why.
Exported ogre.mesh.xml contains multiple this node.
but Models/Oto/Oto.mesh.xml only one
<submesh material=“Material” usesharedvertices=“false” use32bitindexes=“false” operationtype=“triangle_list”>
<faces count=“377”>

@yy569778806 said: I'm using 3dmax I do not know why. Exported ogre.mesh.xml contains multiple this node. but Models/Oto/Oto.mesh.xml only one <submeshes> <submesh material="Material" usesharedvertices="false" use32bitindexes="false" operationtype="triangle_list"> <faces count="377">

Well he told you why. Because its separate materials and / or textures. JOIN THEM!

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