(February 2024) Monthly WIP Screenshot Thread


The documentation already has the information. And it’s detailed. No input needed from me.


ok let me tell my situations:

  1. downloading gltf, ofcourse there is plenty of gltf assets out but mostly what i need will be fined in fbx, as for sketchfab convert, it simply sometimes just don’t work, the gltf output is a mess! maps are all wrong, i can’t even see it good at blender at first place sometimes the effort is as much as first artist who maded it to fix it!
  2. use JMEConvert, well most of times jmeconvert can’t actually convert it! i don’t know about you but assets i like for my games just don’t get inside the jme easily problem as if i say right(i’m not techincal in 3d) but they are highly detailed i don’t have problem with less detailed leggo like or low quality ones most of the times, they get inside jme right after download easily!
    3.even after convert or without conversion they be showed so strange on nearly unfixable, i liked many charecters made by other softwares like cc4. and i can’t get them to work right! you go and test just download any cc made charector if you can please teach me too.

i actually read it several times it’s not sufficient for me! i can’t find solutions for my problems in it.

You could create a thread for you specific questions. And we all can try answer your questions.

Only practice and reading tutorials help you move forward. :slight_smile:

Right now to solve the issues you state I do the following:

Run blender 2.79b and import the .blend file. Other JMonkeys will tell you to use 2.8+ GLTF instead. But I just find this workflow faster. I’ll eventually move to use GLTF an my main file format. Just not now.

Also, I use blender 3.4 to practice the latest tutorials.

Yes, I’m running two versions of blender. :slight_smile: Gotta do what you gotta do to accomplish the task.

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Added the character to the actual game.


Very nice. What type of game are you making?

“LEAP Dimensions. A new action adventure game. Get it Now!” :slight_smile:

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Game Leap on Gamejolt Store

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Are you getting sales on gamejolt?

I’ve been polishing the first person look and feel.
I’ve been doing only small tweaks on the main character model though. I’m not going all the way and making floating arms. That way I gain skills in making both 1st person and 3rd person games.