First Person Lighting

Just to add something to the topic itself, in a FPS you might want to set the light position to an offset of the camera location/rotation

Yeah, oops we went totaly off track.

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It’s sunday : :chimpanzee_woot:

Personal empirical evidences suggests that overall, I produce more code when not using an IDE (and it’s often better code). These days, even having the SDK running the background is killing me as it’s constantly ‘scanning for background changes’ and locking my whole system as it garbage collects. It really really bugs me that my programmer’s editor has to hang just because the SDK is running. Add to that the fact that every multi-project build runs ant for every project (12 or so)… makes me want to rip my hair out.

I will gradle-ify my build one of these days when we get the JME repo sorted. It will also be nice to be able to run my apps full screen again without sending the SDK into a death spiral (because it won’t be running!).

My experience with Eclipse is similar and frustrating in different ways. IBM:“Hey, let’s take concepts that have been common to all IDEs to date, throw them out the window, and replace them with weird abstract different stuff and confuse every new user!” “Sounds great! They’ll never want to switch!”

All of the smart people I know in real Meatspace that used to be huge eclipse fanboys have all switched to Intelli-J by now. I feel a bit vindicated. :smile:

Mostly, I don’t like the lag when I type.

But anyway, I recognize that different people are productive with different tools. Some of the most prolific guys I know did it with what seemed like 500 vi terminals open. To each their own.

Yeah, you guys caught me in the middle of a design session for something that feels uglier the more I go… so I step away to look at other things to be properly horrified by the correct stuff when I look back. :slight_smile:

Traitors. :stuck_out_tongue: I have a friend that just wont shut up about how great Idea is and will show you every single thing it does better every chance he gets. Although he does have sort of a stereotipical canadian personality and says sorry afterwards so I can’t even get mad.

Well, we are also talking about a corporate environment in this case where they had to first get permission to use a non-Eclipse IDE and then go through the trouble of getting it expensed, etc… decent amount of trouble to go through to switch to an IDE… I figure the benefits must be real. If you like that sort of thing.

Well it looks resonably good, has a good deal of stock features like: autocomplete sql statements, automatically decompile any libraries you use if you need to check a certain class, more aware and responsive autocomplete,…

Eclipse generally has more plugins that I’ll never use and is more portable and probably runs slower.

So why am I still not using it? Well Idea for some reason reminds me of Apple (which I passionately hate) and Eclipse is where I started with java and feels like home. Then there’s the biker analogy from before.

Oh and Android studio is based on it, one of the things I had the worst experience using.

Can we see? :wink:

It’s not an FPS, it’s going to be horror, hence the flashlight. I only started learning jmonkey Thursday, :sweat_smile: I think I might be in a bit over my head, especially as this program is due Monday. Thank you all though!

Not yet. I’m trying to break out the object action scripting system I wrote for Mythruna into its own library that I might open source. The basic ideas are simple and then they get complicated when trying to map them to networking in a way that is easy for users to setup and works both in single player and multiplayer… and keeps them out of easy trouble. Networking often messes up a clean design like that, though.

Maybe its a bit out of topic now, but I think one reason why


is used so often could be that the camera class of jme is using it.

 * <code>getDirection</code> retrieves the direction vector the camera is
 * facing.
 * @return the direction the camera is facing.
 * @see Camera#getDirection()
public Vector3f getDirection(Vector3f store) {
    return rotation.getRotationColumn(2, store);

I read “most intuitive way” - so why does nobody suggest to use LightControl, like in the official tutorial? (search “Light Follows Spatial”) :chimpanzee_smile: