First-Person Shooter Discussion

Note: this thread is 7 years old. My daughter wasn’t even alive the last time this thread was commented on. Not sure anyone is still around to help from this original discussion and that was an entirely different version of JME anyway.

Try not to resurrect threads older than a few months old.

He’s gonna say: Yeah okay, but can you help me and post the code? :wink:

God bless you normen…

I was bullied in our school…

And I currently making a halo game to make them realize that they made the biggest mistake of their lives by bullying me!!! :frowning:




Or you can find the courage to stand up to them, and they will leave u alone, they pick on the ones which don’t fight back. Much easier than trying to create a halo clone :).I also responded how you should do it in your thread already.

I got it! whoah…

I am using flyCam…

and I set the gun’s loacation to the location of cam and the rotation is the same as the gun’s rotation…

Thank you WERZRULE…, thank you for being nice… God bless you sir…!

Really, to stop bullying, just hit the guy in the face. Even if you lose the fight, they won’t be back to bother you (worked with me).


Thank you for the suggestion… I appreciate it!