Freshman question!

  1. what way jmonkeyengine SDK export to eclipse. custom to material.

3.eclipse how about create material catalog.

4.can provide some help for the eclipse IDE development.

  1. None, you can import ANT projects in Eclipse though, the SDK projects are normal ANT projects.
    You can do it the other way around though and import your eclipse project and assets folder to only edit assets in the SDK, use File->Import Project->External Project Assets for that.

Theres no reason to use Eclipse with jME though, the SDK can do everything Eclipse does and you can even set your keyboard shortcuts to the Eclipse layout.

  1. Use File->New File->Material in the SDK
  2. Create some j3m files (see 2 above)

but ,There is no hint in JME3 compile

Sorry I don’t understand. Also please use post categories when posting new threads.

HelloAppliction app = new HelloAppliction();

can’t show class method, in JME SDK,

Yes you can, app.[Ctrl-Space]

oh,I think ctrl+/. thank your answer.

Again, you can set the keyboard shortcuts to the same you’re used to in eclipse.

in eclipse preferences ->java->editor->content assist --auto activation triggers for java : . this is set hint

all letter key and .

jme3 sdk set?

Found it.

It happens automatically.
Node node=new Node();
node.(wait a second)

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